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Getting in touch

HorizonOne Recruitment

29 Torrens Street

2612 Braddon


+61 (0)2 6108 4878

HorizonOne Recruitment

  • Active since 2008
  • 21 - 50 employees

We view sourcing talent as a Science, not a sales game. We choose to work with the top 15% of talent in the market and we invest time in them in order to develop a deeper understanding of what motivates and drives them. We focus on core competencies and capability rather than simply technical experience or specific skill sets.

Our systems and process, contemporary recruitment methodologies, and experienced staff apply techniques that provide evidence to take the ‘guess work’ out of recruitment. We do not view recruitment as a matter of ‘right place, right time’ or simply an outsourced CV portal. We see professional recruitment as a ‘value-add’ consulting exercise.

We avoid a ‘cookie-cutter’ approach to servicing our clients. We tailor solutions to ensure the best outcome for your unique circumstances in an ever-changing market. We expertly apply a variety of engagement models outlined below, or we coordinate a combination of approaches to ensure your needs are met.

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